Sales and delivery terms for Edithouse ApS

Use and validity
Any sales of goods and services are subject to the following sales and delivery terms, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties.

Offers are valid only 30 days from the date of the offer, unless otherwise agreed. Agreements in addition to offers or order confirmation are binding only upon written confirmation from Edithouse.

All orders should be submitted in writing. Oral orders are accepted, but Edithouse accepts no responsibility for any misunderstandings. All orders are executed on the basis of these terms of sale and any applicable agreements. Changes to Edithouse’s terms of sale are binding only if they are agreed in writing.

Delivery and delivery time
The given delivery time is counted from the order acceptance. If the buyer has not timely completed the incoming agreements or otherwise delayed the delivery, for example by addition to or changes to the order, Edithouse is entitled to extend the delivery period within a reasonable period, unless Edithouse prefers to cancel the agreement. However, Edithouse will seek a prompt delivery in every reasonable way. Delays in delivery do not entitle the buyer to compensation.

If Edithouse’s costs of fulfilling orders are increased as a result of an increase in labor, freight or insurance premiums, duties, commodity exchange rates or other matters that Edithouse does not possess, Edithouse reserves the right to regulate prices proportionally. All prices are quoted in Danish kroner and excl. VAT or other tax. Prices are “ex-works”.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the payment terms are 8 days, from delivery. If payment is not timely in accordance with the agreed payment terms, Edithouse reserves the right to calculate a monthly interest rate of 1% per started month of the invoiced final amount until payment is received.

All material entrusted to Edithouse will be carefully treated and stored – Edithouse accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of material submitted and the consequences thereof. It is up to the customer at all times to insure all material delivered to Edithouse, keeping original material, etc. is at the customer’s risk. Edithouse is in no case responsible for operating loss, loss of profits or other indirect or consequential loss.
Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the buyer to immediately check for the receipt of the agreed material when the goods are received. If the buyer can prove that the item does not contain the agreed material at the time of delivery, Edithouse is required to provide a non defective item instead, but is not responsible. Edithouse can not be held liable for damage resulting from goods supplied with inaccurate or faulty material.
If the buyer can prove that the product does not comply with the agreed technical specifications upon delivery, Edithouse is obliged to provide a non defective item instead, but in addition, it has no liability. Edithouse can not be held liable for damage resulting from improper use of the product. This limitation in Edithouse’s liability does not apply if there is gross negligence on the part of the company. In this case, Edithouse will be able to make a compensation, which, however, can never exceed the price of the work order in question at Edithouse, corresponding to the invoiced value.

Copyright Liability
The customer is solely responsible for copyright matters for the submitted material. Edithouse can therefore never be held responsible for copy, conversion and editing work ordered by the customer.

If the customer finds that the agreed quantity is not delivered in full, it is the responsibility of the buyer to notify Edithouse accordingly immediately after receipt. Should defects appear in the delivered goods, complaints must be made in writing within 8 days, in order to be valid.

Force Majeure
Should the delivery be prevented due to force majeure, it relieves Edithouse of any liability and Edithouse reserves the right to cancel the agreement in whole or in part, or postpone delivery deadline specified in the agreement. Force majeure includes but is not limited to labor conflicts, war or military invasion, blockages, barriers, political unrest, state intervention of all kinds or circumstances beyond the control of Edithouse, affecting Edithouse’s ability to fulfill its delivery obligation.

Any disagreement or dispute between the parties regarding the understanding or scope of these terms of sale or delivery or a specific delivery shall be settled by the Danish Maritime and Commercial Court in Copenhagen using Danish law.

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